Syarat untuk mendapatkan keputusan yang cemerlang di dalam peperiksaan ialah dengan menggunakan kaedah “pembelajaran output”, kebolehan untuk mengeluarkan dan menggunakan apa yang telah dipelajari. Ramai pelajar hanya melakukan pembelajaran input – membaca, belajar, menghafal dan mendengar adalah pembelajaran input. Inilah sebabnya ramai pelajar yang mendapat markah yang sederhana.
Untuk menyerlah, anak anda memerlukan pembelajaran output. Ketahuilah bagaimana kami melatih anak anda teknik pembelajaran output kami. Kami telah mengambil masa 4 tahun untuk membentuk satu kaedah pembelajaran output yang cukup komprehensif yang mana ianya telah direka mengikut kurikulum yang telah ditetapkan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan.
Kami akan membantu dan membimbing anak anda supaya Bersedia Menghadapi Peperiksaan dan mencapai kecemerlangan A. Berlatih mencapai kecemerlangan, keinginan untuk berjaya adalah penting , tetapi keinginan untuk bersedia adalah lebih penting. Apabila tiba hari peperiksaan anak anda akan mengharungi cabaran dengan keyakinan dan mencapai kecemerlangan A.
E-LEARNING PROGRAM "SCORE A" - ScoreA.Com Diguna pakai di sekolah-sekolah bistari
MESTI & MAMPU dimiliki 1 portal - untuk 1 keluarga, 2 orang anak Thn 1- 6 (UPSR) & Ting 1 - 3 (PMR)
1 Kad rm248 untuk p'gunaan 3 bln (top up rm198/3 bln)
Purata kos - RM248/3Bulan/2Org/30hari=RM1.38 sehari.
2 Kad rm496 untuk p'gunaan 6 bln (top up rm168/3 bln)
Purata kos - RM496/6Bulan/2Org/30hari=RM1.38 sehari.
- Silibus - Kementerian Pendidikan -sentiasa dikemaskini
- Subjek - Semua subjek UPSR & PMR
- Bantu anak-anak straight A.
Apakah program Score A?
- Teknik pembelajaran output
- Diiktiraf Kementerian Pendidikan
- Untuk SK, SMK, SK (C) & SMK (C)
- Program latih tubi (Exercises)
Ciri-ciri Unik Score A Programme
ePast Year Exam - soalan sebenar peperiksaan UPSR & PMR dari tahun 1993 - 2006
eTopic - Soalan-soalan untuk setiap topik
eProgress - Carta progress latihan eTopic
eTrial Exam - Soalan-soalan spot peperiksaan/simulasi
keadaan peperiksaan sebenar UPSR & PMR. Dibuat oleh pembuat
soalan bertauliah dari Kementerian Pendidikan,
Ahli Lembaga Peperiksaan dan guru-guru sekolah bistari.
eAssessment- Soalan-soalan Umum subjek yang diajar di sekolah
eReport Card - Merekod dan memaparkan purata markah untuk
semua latihan yang telah dibuat oleh anak-anak.
Senarai Penganugerahan 100 pelajar cemerlang Score A seluruh Malaysia
Kelebihan Kepada Ibubapa
1. Pemantau kekuatan dan kelemahan anak-anak
2. Nilai tahap perkembangan akademik anak-anak pada bila-bila masa.
3. Bantu perkembangan akademik anak-anak.
4. Dapat memberi bantuan serta merta, jika perlu.
5. Pantau progress pembelajaran anak-anak. Alert SMS setelah siap latihan dibuat. (Optional)
Kelebihan Kepada Pelajar
1. Berlatih menggunakan kertas sebenar soalan tahun-tahun lepas.
2. Menilai tahap pemahaman terhadap topik yang diajar disekolah.
3. Betul-betul bersedia untuk menghadapi peperiksaan, modul eTrial Exam direkabentuk sebagai satu simulasi keadaan peperiksaan yang sebenar untuk UPSR dan PMR.
Tak cuba kita tak tahu. Joom CubaClick
scoreA dan login di student login. (username : ainabijak & password : sahira786)
Nota : Di harap kepada ibu bapa memaklumkan prestasi anak tuan kepada leader-leader untuk mendapat hadiah yang di janjikan.
WELCOME TO SCOREAThe key to accomplishing good grades is Output Learning™ - the ability to retrieve and apply what you have studied or learnt. Too many students do only Input Learning - reading, studying, memorising & listening are only Input Learning - that is why students get average marks.
To excel, your children need Output Learning™. Discover how we coach your children using Output Learning™ techniques.
We have invested four years of research and development into this ultimate Output Learning™ tool that have been carefully designed to be in line with the school curriculum set by the Ministry of Education.
We will help and guide your children to - BE EXAM READY & SCORE A's and endeavour the impossible to improve their work. Practice makes perfect. The will to succeed is important but what's even more important is... the will to prepare. Come examination day, your children will sail through the challenge with confidence and Score A's.
What is Score A Programme™? Score A Programme™ is a fully interactive and effective programme to help students Be Exam Ready And Score A’s™.
What is "Input Learning™"?"Input Learning™" is putting information into your "Neuron". Reading, studying, listening and memorizing are "Input Learning™". Too many students only carry out "Input Learning™", that is why they get average marks. To score, you need "Output Learning™".
What is "Output Learning™"?Output learning™ teaches students on how to apply what they have studied in school through specially prepared assessments in the Score A Programme™ - The Ultimate Output Learning Tool™
Why do students need Score A Programme™? Score A Programme™ has been carefully designed to provide students with many features to help them prepare for their examinations. With Score A Programme™, students will be able to assess their level of understanding of all subjects or topics that they have been taught in school. Score A Programme™ also allows students unlimited practices to sharpen their examination skills, helps build their confidence, and encourages them to develop a Score-A attitude.
Why is eReport Card in Score A Programme™ important?eReport Card is a unique feature that gives parents unprecedented first hand knowledge of their children's academic performances. Parents will be well informed of their children's strong and weak subjects even before their children bring home their actual school report card. The eReport Card enables parents to monitor their children's progress at any time convenient to them. Parents then can render assistance, if and when necessary.
What are the levels and subjects covered by Score A Programme™?Score A Programme™ covers all subjects taught in National schools from Year 1 to Form 3. Score A Programme™ also includes all subjects thought in the Natuonal Chinese School The content of Score A Programme™ is in line with the school syllabus and curriculum set by the Ministry of Education, and covers all major government examinations - UPSR & PMR.
Will Score A Programme™ burden my children?No. Score A Programme™ is not a repetition of "Input Learning" and hence, will not burden your children.
Do my children still need Score A Programme™ although they are currently attending tuition classes?Yes, because tuition is another form of Input Learning. In fact, Score A Programme™ will complement the tuition classes attended by your children.
Why does Score A Programme™ focus only on objective-type questions?Because Score A Programme™ applies Output Learning techniques and test students on their level of understanding through multiple-choice questions.The mastering of multiple-choice questions will enable them to do well in the subjectives questions.
Is Score A Programme™ affordable?Yes. Score A Programme™ is easily affordable. Score A Programme™ is very cost effective, and is value for money based on the following features:
Score A Programme™ is priced on a “per family” basis, regardless of the number of school-going children.
Score A Programme™ allows each user unlimited eAssessment and eTrial Exam practices at no extra charge. It is in line with the concept of “Practice Makes perfect”.
Score A Programme™ allows each user access to various school levels
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